
Sensual & expressive

What is Bachata

Bachata is a romantic and passionate Latin Dance, originally from Dominican Republic. 

It became widely popular in all over Latin America and also in Europe in the past years as part of various international dance congresses, festivals and competitions.

The basic footwork of this dance is easy to learn. The more one would like to grow in it, the more variations are possible in footwork and beyond. Body awareness and an understanding of leading and following technique as well as connection in general is key.

Bachata inspires with fast variations of steps, musicality and sensuality.

Especially in Sensual Bachata a good connection to your partner, isolations, a healthy body posture and solid technique for the way of stepping and executing the movements such as Cambrés and upper body movements is essential. It allows you to not only stay save as a follower and enjoy yourself in the dance, also giving support, initiating and guiding movement safely and clearly as a leader without forcing the follower into it is a big focus.

After more than 10 years of experience in this dance I have directly lived through it´s development and gathered a lot of experience in dancing, teaching, choreographing and performing this dance. I will be here to help you very individually based on your personal needs and dance to improve, make it more save, enjoyable and authentically YOU.

Nowadays it is very easy to find and learn countless combinations from youtube or many teachers worldwide in big festivals.

What is hard to get in big classes and from online video is the details between leading and following, as easily little habits of one partner can make the other get used to an unhealthy posture or tension in the dance.

An enjoyable dance is lead and followed with ease in flow from both sides, 

there is no force or tension in either side needed when technically clean, only the energy which is guiding the movement. This is what I will focus on with you as a couple or individually in my personal trainings, regardless if your focus is social dance or choreography.

Book personal training or private classes here.

Some of our previous Bachata Fusion performances: